It’s time to ban native bird hunting in Victoria

BirdLife Australia remains deeply disappointed with the Victorian Government’s 2024 decision to allow recreational native bird hunting to continue in the state, and worse their decision to increase hunting in 2025.

Despite our recommendations, a number of sensitive wetlands were opened to hunting.

BirdLife Australia urges the Allan Government to ban recreational bird hunting once and for all, following both the 2023 Select Committee’s recommendations, the science, and a clear public majority opposed to this outdated and ecologically harmful practice.

Add your voice by signing our petition, and help ensure the Victorian Government bans recreational hunting.

Why BirdLife Australia opposes recreational native bird hunting

Recreational native bird hunting in Victoria must end if we are serious about restoring native waterbird populations to healthy levels in eastern Australia.

Recreational hunting adds an unnecessary pressure to waterbird populations. The Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey shows waterbird populations have declined as much as 90% over the last forty years in eastern Australia, including those duck species identified as ‘game’ which are at only 25% their long-term average numbers. While habitat loss from climate change and poor water resource management are key factors in the declines of wetland birds, their effects on waterbird populations are compounded by hunting seasons that wipe out hundreds of thousands of ‘game’ ducks each year, as well as having negative direct and indirect impacts on threatened and non-game species.

The Select Committee on Victoria’s Recreational Native Bird Hunting Arrangements tabled their report in 2023, recommending a ban on further native duck and quail hunting in Victoria. This followed a record number of submissions, overwhelmingly opposed to ongoing hunting.

Despite this, the Victorian Government sadly ignored the Select Committee’s clear recommendation for a ban in 2024. Worse still, the Allan Government lengthened the hunting season and increased bag limits per hunter in 2025, starkly against the science and inquiry’s findings.

Help BirdLife Australia urge the Victorian Government to ban recreational native bird hunting, by signing our petition, today!

Not a Victorian? South Australia recently held a parliamentary inquiry on native bird hunting.

Photo: Pink-eared Ducks by Rob Solic

Pink-eared Ducks by Rob Solic.jpg