Email your local NSW representative and urge them to protect vital Swift Parrot habitat, by ending native forestry operations in NSW.
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Enter your address to find your local NSW State MP
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Key facts about Swift Parrots, and why NSW plays a vital role in helping us save them from extinction:
‘Swifties’ are one of only three migratory parrots on Earth; every winter they cross Bass Strait, to feed on flowering gum trees across south-eastern mainland Australia.
The Spotted Gum forests of the NSW South Coast are internationally and nationally recognised as vital foraging habitat. Sadly, over a third was impacted by the Black Summer bushfires.
According to the recent Action Plan for Australian Birds there are only an estimated 750 Swift Parrots remaining, though recent research by Australian National University suggests there could be as few as 500 Swift Parrots left in the wild.
The NSW state-owned Forestry Corporation continues to clear habitat in these precious south coast native forests.
The NSW Government has the power to protect Swift Parrots, by reforming NSW forestry and developing a transition plan for the industry.
The Victorian Government just announced that they would end native forestry operations by the end of 2023, six years earlier than planned. We also know that the NSW Environment Department, under the previous NSW Government, developed a plan to end the State-led destruction of native forests in NSW.
You can help save Swifties!
Use our tool to email your local NSW representative, and ask them to “support a rapid end date for native forestry operations and to develop a properly-funded transition plan for the industry.”
Photo: Swift Parrot by Chris Tzaros