We need your voice to change the laws that are making Swift Parrots disappear.
Swift Parrots are incredible birds. Every year they undertake an epic migration from the Tasmanian forests in which they nest. Flying across Bass Strait, they follow the flowering of the eucalypts across south-eastern Australia to feed on the nectar they produce.
It is a strategy that has sustained Swift Parrots for thousands of years but tragically, they have been on a perilous decline over the past few decades. According to the recent Action Plan for Australian Birds there are only an estimated 750 Swift Parrots remaining, though recent research by the Australian National University suggests there are likely as few as 500 wild Swift Parrots left.
Birdwatching and nature based-tourism are growing exponentially across Australia, and a rising number of communities and business owners around the country depend on the visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of healthy natural areas.
So why are we continuing to destroy native forests?
The biggest threat to ‘Swifties’ is the destruction of their habitat, and two of the major culprits are the State-owned logging corporations of New South Wales and Tasmania.
We could end this threat tomorrow, if our elected representatives took action to protect Swift Parrot habitat.
Sign up today, to stay in the loop to help protect Swift Parrots forever