Protect the Heart of Queensland!
The Queensland Government is considering options for managing the Lake Eyre Basin and sought public feedback. We knew this was a perfect opportunity to let the Government know that this special place deserves the strongest protections!
Public comments closed at 5pm on Friday, 25th August.
Thank you to the thousands of people who made comments using our tool, or via the Queensland Government RIS comment website.
It’s not too late to add your voice! Sign and share our Lake Eyre Basin Petition
Together, we can secure a future for thousands of native birds and their homes!
The picturesque Lake Eyre Basin is home to some of our most unique and threatened native birds. It is critical for the life history of the elusive Australian Painted Snipe, and many other birds are only found in this region, including the striking Letter-winged Kite, Chirruping Wedgebill, and Bulloo Grey Grasswren.
In Western Queensland, these unique birds, ancient waterflows, local communities, and precious ecosystems are at risk from inappropriate developments including fracking.
These risks and the future management of the region is being analysed by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, who are seeking submissions on which protection options are to be applied to the rivers and floodplains in the Queensland portion of the Lake Eyre Basin, also often called the Channel Country.
These proposed changes include a potential ban on all future oil and gas activities within the region’s rivers and floodplains (more details below).
This public consultation process was an important step in ensuring Queensland protects their magnificent part of the Lake Eyre Basin into the future.
It’s not too late to add your voice! Sign and share our Lake Eyre Basin Petition
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Image Credits: Chirruping Wedgebill by Steve Mantle