What to buy and what to avoid!
We all want to keep our local wildlife and pets safe, but it can be hard to know what products you should buy or avoid when at the store. To help, we’ve created this list (also available as a PDF).
Please note that it is non-exhaustive, and may be updated regularly.
You can learn more about the threat that SGARs pose at our Evidence Page
What to buy!
We’ve gathered some products that are good alternatives to the SGARs listed below.
Traps, lures, and rodent-proofing measures
Rodent proofing materials like wire mesh, and keeping your yard free to food waste helps to ensure you don’t need poisons, because you haven’t got issues with pest rats or mice
Classic snap-trap mousetraps or other mechanical mouse traps remain one of the best ways to control pest rodents, and are widely available
Just remember to use them away from other wildlife (e.g. indoors)
Live traps
Rodenticides (rat and mouse poisons)
Poisons should always be a last resort, because rodenticides pose risks to non-target wildlife and pets. Read more here.
Always read the active ingredients of poisons because some brands - like Ratsak - use multiple poisons across their range of products. Read our guide below to learn the active ingredients that are safer to buy, and what ones to avoid.
Always avoid throwaway bait pellets or paste, as these are easily eaten by wildlife. Purchase baits that come in block form, and deliver them via tamper-proof bait stations. Tamper proof bait stations better protect most pet cats and dogs, and some wildlife from poisons. But, many native animals can access bait stations, so always deploy them inside buildings that wildlife cannot access - e.g. not under carports.
As a last resort, consider buying poisons that contain:
Non-Anticoagulant Rodenticides
Active Ingredient: Corn Gluten Meal & Sodium Chloride
e.g. Ratsak NaturalsA human and non-rodent pet safe option. Causes rodents to dehydrate, by targeting rodent gut anatomy, specifically.
Active Ingredient: Cholecalciferol
e.g. SelontraNote that while Cholecalciferol poses a lower secondary poisoning risk for animals, there is no antidote if poisoning occurs. It is important to ensure that children, pets, and non-target wildlife cannot access this type of bait.
First-Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides
Active Ingredient: Warfarin, Coumatetralyl
Bayer Racumin Rat and Mouse Blocks
JT Eaton Apple Bait Block Rodenticide
Parafarm Ratex Mouse and Rat Bait
PCT Holdings Surefire Couma All Weather Blocks Rodenticide
Ruth Consolidated Industries (RCI) Ratblitz bait
Yates RATSAK Double Strength Bait Station
What to avoid!
All products containing SGARs should be avoided!
Packaging for SGARs can be unclear, but as a safe bet avoid all products with the ingredients: brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difethialone, difenacoum or flocoumafen.
Instead, buy something better.
Avoid these Second-Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides:
Amgrow Patrol Rodex Rat Blocks
Animal Control Technologies Mouseoff Bromadiolone Rodent Bait
Bainbridge Bait Blocks Rodenticide
BASF Australia Storm Secure Wax Block
Bayer Rodilon Pro Rodenticide
Bell Laboratories Inc. Contrac All-Weather Blox Rodenticide
Bell Laboratories Inc. Contrac Blox
Bell Laboratories Inc. Contrac Soft Bait
Bell Laboratories Inc. II Tomcat II Blox Rodenticide
Bell Laboratories Inc. Tomcat All-Weather Blox
De Sangosse Australia Bromakil Grain Bait for Rats and Mice
De Sangosse Australia Bromakil Super Rat Drink
DITRAC All Weather BLOX Rodenticide
Freezone Public Health Ratshot Final Kill Paste Rodenticide
Freezone Public Health Ratshot One-Shot Rodenticide Pellets
Freezone Public Health Ratshot Rapid Kill Rodenticide Blocks
Liphatech Generation Blue Rodenticide Soft Bait
PCT Holdings All-Weather PCT First Formula Blocks Rodenticide
PCT Holdings Surefire All Weather Blocks Rodenticide
PCT Holdings Surefire Broma, Couma or Difenate Blocks Rodenticide
Pelgar International (Aus) The Big Cheese Home Choice All- Weather Block Bait
Pelgar International (Aus) The Big Cheese Home Choice Rat & Mouse Kill Throw Packs
Pelgar International (Aus) The Big Cheese Ultra Power Fast Action Bait Blocks
Pelgar International Roban Rodenticide Blocks
Reckitt Mortein Kills Rats & Mice and the Fleas They Carry Dual Action Baits
Reckitt Mortein Rat Kill Professional Household Protection
Triox Pestmaster Rat and Mouse Killer
Yates RATSAK Fast Action Bait Station Kills Rats & Mice
Yates RATSAK Fast Action Disposable Mouse Bait Station with Wax Block
Yates RATSAK Rapid Strike Dual Active Wax Blocks
Yates Talon Rat & Mouse Killer All Weather Wax Blocks
Yates Talon Rat & Mouse Killer Pellets
Yates Talon XT Pro Rodenticide Wax Blocks
Zapi S.P.A Muskil Soft Bait with Two Actives for Faster Kill of Rats & Mice
Zapi S.P.A Rodenthor Gel Rodenticide